Monday, August 26, 2013

doubt and anxiety

the doubting mind seeks answers,
only to create more questions

the mind only asks questions,
only the heart full of submission can provide answers

the doubting mind creates anxiety,
the heart full of submission provides peace and tranquility

the heart full of submission is not passive,
yet it is not aggressive

it is centered in its being,
in the now and ever-present


Yaa ayuhannas antum-ul fuqaro’
Ilallahi wallahu huwa ghaniyul hamiid

The richness and glory in the realm of duality
are merely constructs of fleeting perception

True wealth is something that can be brought beyond death,
which for the few may encounter transcendance

Absolute reality is larger than perception,
which manifests from one's state

One's perception confines one's own reality
What one sees reflects one's state

Monday, August 19, 2013


Change at the shell is merely an illusion
Whereby the true evolution is at the kernel

If one remains in duality,
the path will only become a prison

Like a dream in which one experiences awakefulness,
Yet one is not evolving

The self (always) needs something to stand on,
only to dream pure illusion